Originally Posted by phoenix
I'd totally put people up for a few days
fuck that. I've learned my lesson. nobody (who doesn't already have it) is getting my home address. as I mentioned before, "internet friends" are really
monsters in disguise.
people that you
think you like, aren't usually
like you think they are. even if they are
actually nice/cool people,
the black beast called Interweb has ways of warping people's souls.
over the years, I've developed a large stable of hate-worthy individuals, yet only a handful of people I actually consider friends. I'm sure that my fascist conditions for
what makes a friend (along with my
rampant twattery) haven't helped much! (lol-lol-lol-lol)
my point is moot, though. who the hell would want to come to oklahoma anyways?
fuck just typing that made me yawn.