i just saw do the right thing.
apparently spike lee said that if you dont understand why they rioted than you are a racist. if thats the case than spike lee can go fuck himself. if anything i saw this as an anti black movie.
it was wrong for the police to kill radio raheem. but sal did nothing wrong. he was fine with everybody, but since it was his shop he had a right to do whatever he wanted to do in it. he was italian, so he did not have to have pics of black men on his wall. and he didnt have to listen to loud music. it was justified that he broke the radio because RR and the other guy were being obnoxious and deserved to get their asses kicked.
the fact that he used the N word does not make him racist, it just means that he was provoked to a snapping point.
and i was fine with the movie, especially with the MLKjr quote at the end, because that made the movie make sense. but then he went and added that silly malcolm X quote, which made the movie kind of pointless