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Old 10.14.2008, 11:42 AM   #13
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Glice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's assesGlice kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by max
there's lots of truths in there.

Well, this is the problem. We've seen 'thinkers' since the beginning of writing (and doubtless before) argue about the nature of truth. While I've got nothing wrong with people abiding to the post-enlightenment notion of 'scientific' truth, and while I wish various theistic groups would entertain more 'properly' scientific notions, this film's absolute hinging upon a very specific sort of truth that is only ocassionally appropriate to a sense of 'spiritual truth' makes it nauseating to me. The problem with Zeitgeist is that the conflation of various species of truth means it instantly undermines any pertinent points with its hysterical narrative of 'we known the real truth'. Were they to admit to themselves (and any film is always a collective effort, not a unitary narrative) that they are at times speculating - especially with the utterly insane cyborg/illuminati-esque final section - then it would've been a better film that ultimately wouldn't have been seen by many people. Money is only one manifestation of the regimin of exchange. When I rule the world this will be tattooed to the eyelids of all conspiracy theorists/ anti-capitalists.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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