I don't have too much sympathy for people that got themselves into the mess they're in (although I do feel bad for the children). most of these people that are now finding themselves broke were living too far beyond their means to begin with. now they have to face the muzac.
Originally Posted by cnn.com
A 90-year-old Ohio widow shoots herself in the chest as authorities arrive to evict her from the modest house she called home for 38 years.
like this lady for example. she is now the poster-child for this terrible mess. well,
3 years ago (when she was 87) she took out a 30 year mortgage on her home along with
$18k in cash. and now, after the shit hit the fan and she SHOT herself, they are letting her
keep everything because it sucks when old people shoot themselves
she is
just as much a part of the problem as the people on Wall Street gambling away life-savings on inflated housing markets. although I'd like to know who gives out 30 year loans to octogenarians, what 87 year old takes out such a loan and
fully expects to pay it back??