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Old 09.27.2008, 01:36 PM   #23
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[quote=Nefeli]i just, sometimes, find that it is a sad dead end that we have to label everything that way.
i understand, we need words to describe our sexual preferences when we are asked and that the labeling and isolation is from needed to convenient.
as far as i m aware, the straight term is also stereotyped and has a negative meaning regarding especially a man's, limited, mainstream way of thinking and certain social behaviour.
there has always been men who retained? their male apperiance/behaviour, but of course i cant know the % of those who did that because they had to keep their homosexuality hidden. i dont see androphilia as bad, it could bring some balance in people's way of thinking for one, but will it end up being another social situation with elements of isolation and stereotypes?

and a question.
im a woman, but lets say i m a man, straight man and i like to paint men's thighs in a tom of finland kind of way. would my art be considered gay and me aswell and why should it?[/quote]

haha. I love you.