Originally Posted by swa(y)
i think its kind of ingorent to say he was "guessing", when judging by yr post, you did little more than support exactly what he said. its not a guess...its fact. we live here, and we here people talking shit.
which....is fine.
and he didnt sound as if he wanted to change anything...so, saying "doesn't sound to me like you do, but then -I'm only guessing" really donest make much sense.
what are you doing exactly? im curious.
Why the fuck should I have to prove ANYTHING to you? You're CURIOUS? And the CHANGE business was about how HE accused other people of not doing anything, "it's all talk" I believe he said, and the point of DOING something is to bring about change - GET IT? I don't make financial contributions to Obama's campaign because I don't have extra money right now, but through several on-line organizations like Move-On.org and Step It Up, I make phone calls to lists of people they have in swing sates, and it's fucking aggravating, most of them get pissed off at me because I called them at home and invaded their fucking privacy to ask if they've made a decision to support Obama.
You can't even spell, or don't bother to do it right. And things HAVE gotten worse for every person in this country who gives a fuck about human suffering. How many innocent civilians do US bombs kill every month? 10 times more innocent Iraqis have been killed by US forces than US forces have suffered by insurgents and I.E.D.s - so yeah, that makes my life a lot more uncomfortable. And no I did not prove what he said -how in purple fuck did you come to that braindead conclusion - you didn't mention your reasoning for some reason....hmmmmm,.. why would that be? Because you're an ignorant person who obviously has a way too high opinion of his intellectual acuity. And you're a lousy typist.