Originally Posted by pbradley
No, because you are discussing the validity of the process while I made this to keep up with developments. By calling into question the electoral process, we who are simply interested in keep up to date have to go back and defend the system in order to allow use to return back to topic. I'm not saying that you can't criticize the system but do so in another thread which isn't already operating with an allowance of the system. You are distracting.
maybe that was my point entirely? if you have to "go back and defend the system' maybe you will analyze your own intentions, think twice about your own decisions, and come up with a most thought out solution.
I do not expect people to suddenly abandoned this political shitstem, nor is that my intention, I am just trying to keep everyone on their toes so to speak. If I continually challenge the status quo, then you all who are defending it will have to continually re-examine it, and then come up with new, better conclusions. I dont want you all to drop out of participation or to become anarchists, quite the contrary, I want my pestering to cause you to properly investigate this shistem and these leaders and their platforms and policies.
If i challenge the very system itself, you will have to go down to its fundamentals in order to defend it, and in the process, you will become a more aware American, and for that, I do this.
like it or not, I'm here for the duration, and if it is that troublesome, there is an ignore list, thought I dont think you feel so strongly against my posts for all that..