Yes we all hate repukes, they are a bunch of shits, they are ruining this country, they are controled by a bunch of money-grubbing gun-toting bible-thumping yahoos who don't believe in science, they will be our destruction, and every day there is a new piece of shitty news about what a load of useless motherfuckers their leaders are... and yet, what are you doing in this election? Are you registered to vote? Are you trained to register voters? Are you calling people? Are you canvassing neighborhoods? Have you donated money or supplies to your campaign? What will you do on election day?
Elections are won by real people casting votes-- mostly, people in battleground states. Talking about it on the internet doesn't win elections.
Right now: Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, and New Hampshire are undecided.
Many other states are weak in their support of either candidate and could flip by election day.
I'm lucky to be in New Mexico where it's been a tossup until recenty, and the election is far from a secure win for Obama, so I'm working to ensure that the state goes blue in the election. But come on people. Time to get off our asses!
All of you who live in Florida could help win Florida. North Carolina and Missouri can still be won by Obama-Biden. Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania need to be firmly blue.
And then there's the congressional elections. We need to boot out those assholes who have supported backwards policies for decades.
DO NOT FORGET that the 2000 election was lost because 500 votes were miscounted. You cannot do that with impunity when there is a clear margin of victory. Do not expect that there will be any less shenanigans this time around. But things will not change unless we get off the internet & do something that gets real people casting votes. Yes I hate to paraphrase Le Tigre, but if you want to smash the right wing, I'll meet you in the street, blah blah blah. Seriously. We need to start taking action. Early voting starts in October, so the time to get involved is now.