Originally Posted by ni'k
whoa you guys rock!
cheers. the gluten thing sounds possible, ill stay off it for a while and see.
and yeah, ill get some oatmeal
ok but oatmeal has gluten.
the gluten-free diet is a tough one mang, i tried for a while for "detox" and what not.
ps- from that website i linked you:
Some foods are naturally free from gluten such as:
- Corn
- Rice
- Potato
- Soya
- Fresh meat
- Fish
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Most dairy products.
Originally Posted by EMMAh
Is that how you spell chilly? Chili? Derrrrr.
yeah girl. chilly means cold. chili is from the mexican word for hot pepper,
chile, but with a gringo/texas spelling. but no worries, we all fart the same. well some worse than others. some it's like, nuclear shit.