I also got a 40 or 50 euros fine 2 years ago for riding the subway without ticket in Berlin… I never paid it so I wonder how high the fine is now.
Thing is, when I got this fine, they would not let me pay it… although I was living in Berlin at the time, I was still "registered" in Munich (with an address that was no longer valid) and they explained to me that in order to pay the fine, I first had to cancel my registration in Munich and then register in Berlin… I never quite understood why it had to be so complicated, but in any case I did not bother to take those steps to pay the fine.
Well, I actually did register in Berlin some months later because I was obliged to do it for some reason and I thought they would come back to me with this fine, but I moved to yet another address shortly afterwards (not to avoid the fine, it just happened that way).
Maybe one day, they will find me again and ask for 3.000 euros.