King Kong (1933) - The idea of a film being like a rollercoaster ride probably started here.
Casablanca (1942) - In many ways the first cult film ever made.
The Big Heat (1953) - Managed to free the American gangster film from the clutches of German Expressionism (ironic really, seeing as how its director was one of those most associated with it.)
The Hustler (1961) - The first major American film to really pick up on the European New Wave.
Jaws (1975) - Introduced the concept of the holiday blockbuster.
Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) - Prior to this films became cults because of their audience. RHPS was probably the first time that a film was made deliberately in order to develop a cult following.
Star Wars (1977) - Merchandise, merchandise and more merchandise.
Betty Blue (1986) - A film that sold itself around the concept of being an arthouse movie, rather than actually being one. Without Betty Blue there would be no Amelie, or virtually any film starring Juliet Binoche or Julie Delpy.