samurai cop - 8/10

Probably one of the worst films I've ever seen; also amongst the most entertaining.
violent cop - 8/10

A very quiet and oftentimes surreal cop film. Very slow at times yet there always seems to be a lot going on. Never boring. I dunno why exactly, but I really loved it.
Kite - 5/10

Had seen this 5 years ago and thought it was absolutely fucking terrible. However, I re-watched it and I think it's just average. Um... basically, it's a really short anime movie about a girl killing people with exploding bullets to avenge her parent's death or something. Lots of graphic rape (I'm talking big dicks being thrown into the main character; though a lot of people call this "kiddy porn", she says in the movie she's going to college, so......) and lots of graphic violence. Not a total waste, as the whole thing's really entertaining. It's just kind of pointless.