this "lifting" by Preznit Dubya is meaningless, an empty gesture. Congress has a standing ban that will have to be over-ridden by the congress in order for drilling to take effect.
and as far as goes, nothing lasts forever.
Here are the myriad parties
Federalist Party (c.1789–c.1820)
Democratic-Republican Party (1792–c.1824)
Anti-Masonic Party (1826–1838)
National Republican Party (1829–1833)
Nullifier Party (1830–1839)
Whig Party (1833–1856)
Liberty Party (1840–1848)
Law and Order Party of Rhode Island (1840s)
Free Soil Party (1848–1855)
Anti-Nebraska Party (1854)
American Republican Party (1843-1854)
American Party (“Know-Nothings”) (c.1854–1858)
Opposition Party (1854–1858)
Constitutional Union Party (1860)
National Union Party, (1864–1868)
Readjuster Party (1870-1885)
Liberal Republican Party (1872)
Greenback Party (1874–1884)
Anti-Monopoly Party (1884)
Populist Party (1892–1908)
Silver Party (1892-1902)
National Democratic Party/Gold Democrats (1896–1900)
Silver Republican Party (1896-1900)
Social Democratic Party (1900–1901)
Home Rule Party of Hawaii (created to serve the native Hawaiian agenda in the state legislature and U.S. Congress) (1900–1912)
Socialist Party of America (1901–1973)
Independence Party (or "Independence League") (1906-1914)
Progressive Party 1912 (“Bull Moose Party”) (1912–1914)
National Woman's Party (1913-1930)
Non-Partisan League (Not a party in the technical sense) (1915–1956)
Farmer-Labor Party (1918–1944)
Progressive Party 1924 (1924)
Communist League of America (1928–1934)
American Workers Party (1933–1934)
Workers Party of the United States (1934–1938)
Union Party (1936)
American Labor Party (1936–1956)
America First Party (1944) (1944–1996)
States' Rights Democratic Party (“Dixiecrats”) (1948)
Progressive Party 1948 (1948–1955)
Vegetarian Party (1948–1964)
Constitution Party (United States 50s) (1952–1968?)
American Nazi Party (1959-1967)
Puerto Rican Socialist Party (1959–1993)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (1964)
Black Panther Party (1966-1970s)
Communist Workers Party (1969–1985)
People's Party (1971–1976)
U.S. Labor Party (1975–1979)
Concerned Citizens Party (1975-1992) Become the Connecticut affiliate of the Constitution Party (then known as U.S. Taxpayers Party) with party founding
Citizens Party (1979–1984)
New Alliance Party (1979–1992)
Populist Party of 1980s-1990s (1984–1994)
Looking Back Party (1984–1996)
Grassroots Party (1986–2004)
Independent Party of Utah (1988–1996)
Greens/Green Party USA (1991–2005)
New Party (1992 – 1998)
Natural Law Party (1992–2004)
Mountain Party (2000-2007) Become the West Virginia affiliate of the Green Party July 16, 2007 [1]
Christian Freedom Party (2004)