The Wiki thingy on the Libertairian party is v interesting. My gut reactions are: Agree totally w/their views on civil rights, free sexuality, abortion; on the fence on the "drugs for all" policy (a decent idea in theory, but I've seen enough friends mess their lives up on recreational drugs to feel that such a policy in practice wouldn't really work so well); yes to a non-interventionist foreign policy, and quite a few "no's" to their economic policies, especially the "no welfare" one - the UK Welfare Services here have many problems, but I'm still glad it exists, and I'm definitely glad that we still have a health service he that is free (i.e. no compulsory health insurance).
Still, thought-provoking stuff indeed, and I can say for sure that the UK would never have a political party like that.
Snow on Easter Sunday - Jesus Christ in reverse.