Equipment needs
Intraoral dental radiography
A high-speed, water-cooled dental drill powered by compressed air or nitrogen
A variety of dental burs, including No. 2 and No. 4 round burs in regular and surgical length, to be used with the drill
An oral surgery pack including a Molt (or similar) periosteal elevator, No. 2 and No. 4 Wiggs winged elevators, a periotome, small-breed extraction forceps, Peet root tip forceps, a hemostat, scissors, tissue forceps, a 5-in Derf needle holder, and lip retraction forceps; an autoclaved pack should be provided for each patient.
No. 15 scalpel blades, 3-0 and 4-0 chromic gut (or other absorbable) suture material, and Gelfoam (Pfizer Animal Health) or HemaBlock (Abbott Animal Health) to help stabilize the clot
"ok just wait a minute whilst i get my dads tool box"