Originally Posted by sarramkrop

Coco Rosie
What's wrong with you two? Are you slightly surprised that you've been awarded the ''strangled cat-voice twat award''? Carry on doing your sister's hair. By the way, you're both twats.
ahh yes, they are using one of their cuntish songs, the same song, to advertise a shiton of crap whenever the simpsons are on and i have to listen to their twatish pseudo portishead-on-laxatives with bad and weird for the sake of being bad and weird vocals whenever i watch tv.
Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Ha ha haaaa! The best one so far. Isn't that William doing some live writing on his blog about the "bearded hippy sandal-wearers" on the SY Gossip baord?
very probably, he would have fired back right about now, though...perhaps it's the fact that he can't ban us here that is making him hesitate.
but he's manning both laptops so one is definitely at the susan lawly board.
(glad you enjoyed it, i had fun yesterday afternoon coming up with all that crap).