Originally Posted by girlgun
update. so the next day when i went to the office, she told me i was getting my own office when we move in july. then she offered to have my car detailed because a coke exploded in it when i was delivering them for marketing stuff. (i did have it detailed and they broke my stereo). she told me the consultant that she hired to tell me how to do my job had nothing but good things to say about me. (the consultant was confused as to why they hired her because i obviously knew what i was doing).
fast forward to today....
i bought some below the knee trouser shorts sort of thing last night.... for work... because they're always bitching about my clothes. so i wore them today...asked my boss if she liked them... she said no and slammed the door in my face. 
she's a fucking loon.
she's just jealous of your hotness. realize.