Originally Posted by gmku
Robert Kennedy was charismatic. That's the last time we saw true charisma in politics.
You're forgeting a man named Ronald Reagan. Charisma is only a good attribute in politicians if you happen to believe in the same things as them and would if they had no charisma at all. Then it's a good thing because they can help convince the people who feel differently.
The Kennedys were so charismatic that to this day nobody is sure what they really stood for. JFK, and Bobby as his chief advisor, were seriously considering nuclear war during the Bay of Pigs. Bobby talked a big help the poor populist talk, but it's relatively easy for somebody from as wealthy a family as his was to do so. Neither Kennedy held office long enough for us to know if they really would have made America a better place for everyone. It's even easier to be charismatic when you're dead.