I get so fed up hearing endless bullshit about race in this presidential run
I am sick of it
if Barack Obama is HALF black, and HALF white, then it mkaes just as much sense (menaing NONE) to call him a white candidate as it does to call him a black candidate.
race is a fucking smokescreen. it does not exist. There is one race, the human race. any other ideas we have about "race" are holdovers from an 18th century worldview held by rich white europeans, whne they decided to clasify all living creature in order from lowliest and most base to the highest and most pure (closer to god) and of course, white folk were placed as the high rung on this ladder of bullshit.
I hate it, and there is nothing I can do about it. It sickens me to hear people so obsessed with labling a human being as black or white.
in the USA, if you have even one tiny bit of african blood in you you have historically been classified as black, as if 3% of black blood taints the otherwise supa-white 97% of yr blood. whatever. it is such a fucking joke.
Go Obama!