Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yes, I guessed as much about your self-conscious Self-isms. I think the problem with WS's style, as opposed to someone like Derrida, is that it has no broader function. As we know, the French postmodernist writers were using language as a commentary on language itself while Will Self seems only interested in dazzling the reader with his expanded vocabulary.
I'll brush over the use of the 'p' word for now.
I think with a lot of writers of the less 'trendy' sort they have a comparable vocabulary to Self but a much greater ability to deploy it. Your menopausal Guardian friendlies (Maeve Binchy, Maggie Atwood or whomever) tend to use their extensive wordsmithery with a touch of grace, élan. If you someone is better known for their words than their content then they're not really a great writer, are they?