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Old 05.26.2006, 10:05 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
all researchers uniformly assert that deep restful sleep of at least nine hours at a time is extremely important for overall physical & mental well-being & express deep concerns that most members of society are sleep-deprived.

I sleep a lot more than the average person. It is really hard for me to get up with less than 8 hours of sleep, and I actually prefer 9 to 11. If I am averaging less than 8 hours a night, it is a big indicator that I'm depressed. If I haven't had a dream for a considerable ammount of time, that is another indicator of depression for me.

I should probably mention that I've had very few nightmares. A lot of gruesome images in my dreams don't translate as scary to me. For example, there was a dream where I turned into a wolf and ran into the woods and past a bunch of zombies. I don't really remember being afraid. I kept running because I knew they were dangerous, but I wasn't disturbed by them.

Here are 3 nightmares I've had that stick out to me for one reason or the other.

1. The first that really sticks out to me was from when I was five. I was in my house and Nosferatu was chasing me. Nothing really sticks out about it too much, except one thing. I had a part where all of the action stopped and I was presented with a choice of which direction to run. I made my choice, which happened to lead me into scarier circumstances and waking up. Having time visibly stop has been the most unreal thing that has ever happened to me in a dream, but I accepted it as completely normal.

2. The second was the first dream in which I nearly lost my life. It was right after that gas attack on the subway in japan and during the OJ trial. My best friend of mine Chris, this girl named Gina, and I believe this girl Kristen, and I were walking to Pittsburgh (which would have been a 30 mile walk). We were supposed to go with the whole class but went by ourselves for some reason. I should mention the town didn't resemble Pittsburgh at all. It was a small brick town surrounded by grass plains made entirely of one story buildings. Very western looking, but in a much more lush setting. We were walking down a yellow brick road and we could see it in the distance. It didn't take us long to get there, and when we did I saw the rest of my class marching together singing the "Winnie the Pooh" theme. I thought this was juvenile at the time and stayed away from them. So Gina and Chris said come in this alley with me. I said "no, people get shot in back alleys." So I stayed on the mainstreet. I remember seeing a blonde mother and a blonde little boy getting out of a subway car (which doesn't make sense because I was street level.) Then I saw a black OJ'ish man in a trench coat pull out a gun and starting shooting at everyone. I remember seeing the mother and her son get killed, and I remember being shot and falling to the ground. As I was blacking out, I could see the cars drive by, including several cop cars and I hoped to be saved.

Some interesting consequences of that dream: I seem to remember hearing that you couldn't die in your dreams or you would die in real life. I think I wanted to prove that wrong, which might have led me to dreaming this, which coincidentally didn't prove it wrong because I blacked out before I could die and the dream ended. Some of my dreams tend to be very ironic, this one especially with the staying away from the alley not wanting to get shot thing.

3. This is a short section of a dream I had the other night (the rest of which wasn't nearly as interesting)
About two or three nights ago. I had a dream where I had a camera. I was in a haunted house. So I started snapping pictures. Then I started seeing ghosts. Then I was on the floor with my eyes closed and my hand in the sky. Despite my eyes being closed though, I could still tell the ghosts were all around me because they were so bright that I could see the light through the translucence of my eyelids.

Most of my other nightmares have just been flashbacks of sorts to traumatic events. I was mugged once, so I've had dreams about it happening again. I've had enemies before, so I have had dreams about them being reinvolved with my life.

I should probably also mention that in my early adolescence I had several dreams in which I have realized I was dreaming, argued with people over whether or not I was dreaming, then awoken myself by saying "wake up" exactly 3 times. Which thinking about it now makes a lot of sense to me - beetlejuice, ruby slippers, the trinity. Sometimes I would wake up, other times I would wake up into another dream.

In incredibly rare circumstances, I have realized that I have dreaming and realizing waking up would not be taking full advantage of the dream and in doing so I started to look for sex.

My earliest sex dream was at about age 9. I remember seeing news reports about a female rapist and then a woman jump on a fat businessman in the middle of the street, rip her shirt open exposing her bra, and forcefully kissing him.

I don't recall having nearly as many sex dreams during puberty as I do now though. I think that is mainly because my sexual curiosity was acted out mainly in late night fantasies. I had stormtrooper toys, and I fantasized about their wives. What kind of haircuts, hair color, eye color, and what color underwear they wore. I couldn't really imagine what they looked like naked, because I could what they looked like in lingerie. I also remember the morning fantasy I had looking up at the cracks in my plaster ceiling and seeing a female figure in one of the patterns. My other two fantasies were a Star Wars city with all sorts of outer space chicks to have sex with and another where I was the last man on earth and I had to mass impregnate.

Thinking back on my 10-13 year old fantasies, it is funny, I really focused on all the different types of women there were in the world and why I was attracted to all of them, and how their looks correlated to their personality as well. My sexual dreams now reflect that, the fictitious women are not recurring and all of them seem to have different personalities and physical attributes(what also intrigues me is half of them look nothing like any woman I have ever met). I do dream about non-fictitious women, and they can recurr.

As you can see, I really love talking about my childhood as well as the memories of dreams I have had.

There are several things in my life to suggest to me that I may have what is known as a "photographic" memory, but I'm not quite sure if I do. I remember in school, I was quite good at retaining information and spewing it back out for tests with no study and get the highest grade in the class (to the frustration of others on curved tests) I also can remember stupid things I see on educational programs, and when I was little I would describe movies to people scene by scene.

I'm not sure if any of my dreams have been God communicating with me atari, but I do believe there is a supernatural element to dreams in that phenomena such as deja vu are heavily related.

Originally Posted by themawt71
also when i would pee that song "i always feel like someone is watching me" would be in my head and it would make me nervous

Funny you mention that, I've had multiple dreams in which I've urinated and then I immediately went to the bathroom upon waking up so I could wash my hands.
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