Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I have never in my life heard or used the term "forcing a person to live". absurd! i'm not here to live up to your expectations, and neither are you here to live up to mine, but regardless, human beings make a lot of fickle decisions, and I think that we should not let OTHER people help them kill themselves. Hey, if you want to kill yourself, that is fine, I would stop you personally, but it is your business to want to. but, letting someone else help you do the job? that is bullshit. if you can't kill yourself for physical or technical reasons, perhaps you dont really have such a right to begin with? further, it is pandora's box. people will abuse the privilege I assure you, we human beings have devoted 90% of our creativity to inventing new and fascinatingly efficient ways to kill each other, what else could you expect?
thats a load of crap, son. so, since you can't perform brain surgery on yourself, you don't have a right to get brain surgery? since you cant get yourself pregnant, you dont have a right to make children? since you can't shove yourself out of the uterus, you don't have the right to be born? you can't raise yourself so you don't have a right to be raised? what about old farts who need assisted living. no right to it? please dude.
social life is all about interdependence. we get people's help all the time for all sorts of things. don't make up bullshit arguments please.
when i'm ready to off myself i wanna hire the best of the best for the job. fuck if i'm gonna leave it in the hands of some shitty amateur. fuck that and fuck your death police.