life is suff3ering is a LOAD of shit
orgasms are not suffering
tasty food is not suffering
rock n roll music making you feel great is not suffering
Life is equal parts suffering and joy and everytrhing in between
what I am talking about is people who are going to die, or who are going to end up in a vegetable state, braindead, who want to end their lioves with soem dignity, with some semblance of themselves still existing.
have you ever watched a loved one die of cancer, watching their bodies and brains get eaten up from within, taking a YEAR or more to die? Lying in a bed, shitting themselves, unable to talk for the last 4 months of life, weighing 75lbs? I HAVE. I watched my father die slowly and ignobly and painfully. The horror in his eyes for the last 3 months of "life" was something that fucked me up for years and years. fuck that shit man.
Go read up on euthanasia and Dr kevorkian and his crusade for people to duie with dignity, not to die numbed by morphine for the last months of their lives.