Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
dude you are fucking crazy, nobody should have the right to assist in a suicide. that is just fucking nuts, all bullshit aside, who should we give the authority to do such an act? seriously, look at what you are talking about. the world is full of horid pain everywhere. should people who are starving or homeless or diseased just off themselves just because it is easier?
assisted suicide is like the penultimate symbol of the backwardsness of american so-called medicine, which perpetuatly treats the symptom and not the disease, and further ignore prevention in the name of profit. fuck that shit, I-man won't stand for it.
life is suffering, sorry, I didn't make this shit up. if we just let people go around helping each other kill each other, what the fuck kind of place would that be?
"where is the love, to be found? I tell you that life, sweet life, has got to here, in this ya concrete jungle..."
What the fuck are talking about? If people who were starving wanted to kill themselves they would have done it already, idiot. And what would be wrong with that anyway? It's their choice.