Originally Posted by Nefeli
i m always for the experience, rather than the material, but it sounds that you arent interested much about this show..
i dont know, i would still go. because you love zu, you might be curious of what they ll do with patton?
Problem is, I need "the material" to record stuff.
I sure am curios...problem is, there are a bunch of other gigs I'll go to from the 5 to the 15 of march, and that would add up a bit too big of an expense.
I'll get to see MORKOBOT!!! YYYYEAAAAHHH!!!
I'll think about it a bit more, another annoying thing is that the venue is small and they "suggest" to reserve the tickets asap. so no last-minute decisions..uff...the twin peaks golden thing came out here, 100 euros. I sense a soon to be done amazon.com order.