Originally Posted by floatingslowly
chocolate jesus once told me that there's a mobile chicken shack called Bobo's that parks on the corner of 23rd and MLK weekend late nights.
if you want him to, Bobo will drizzle honey-syrup all over the chicken and biscuits.
the thing is, Bobo parks the shack right in the middle of a bunch of gangstas.
the gangstas all respect Bobo because he can fuck up some chicken.
they all know that if THEY don't know exactly what it is the fuck they want, they are sent to the back of the line.
although braving the corner of 23rd and MLK is fairly risky business for a white-bread like Chocolate Jesus, I'm pretty sure I can get girlgun drunk enough to get me some.
I love chicken, and one day I will get some.
ok, so i went to 23rd and MLK to get me some chicken, and there was no Bobo's in sight. fortunately there was a group of helpful teenagers on the corner who were really friendly and kept asking me what i was looking for, man and yo, did i want anything. so they told me that it's 23rd and
Waldo, it's called
Fishman's and he drizzles
hot sauce on the
fish, not honey syrup on the chicken, and that the gangstas all hate him cause he hangs out with the church crowd and started a community watch group that calls the cops on dealers, but they haven't shot him yet cause he can fuck up some fish.
damn that was some tasty fish....