I have always loved jukeboxes. I wish I owned one for my 45's. The CD jukes are cool too. I have finally gotten the hang of the digital internet capable jukeboxes that have proliferated these past 5 years or so
they have one at the bowling alley i go to and it rules to be able to spend two credits to download any sonic youth song or unwound song or polvo song (which are NEVER on jukeboxes) and play them! I played some unwound at the bowling alley and it was all loud and shit and after 2 minutes the alley manager skipped the song! it was too much for him!
At one of the bars my friends go to they have one and I played all soprts of kick ass shit. I LOVE being abl;e to play my beloved sonic youth whereveer I want!!!!! and making others sit through it! that's the best!
have any of you used these? the really opbscure stuff it does not have access to but you can play all the fugazi you want!