02.13.2008, 04:17 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Northern Europe
Posts: 12,306
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
sex is a game of power relations.
power, like drinks and hallucinogens, is best when shared with others.
further, the feeling of trying to control everything taxes the soul, whereas giving into the chaos and lack of control tends to feel zen, which explains why human beings like to get shitfaced drunk or hallucinate from ingesting plants in the first place, in order to have the true freedom of selflessness, of not having to dominate and control the experience. It is also why we like roller coasters and scary movies, we like NOT to be in control, as it is easier on the mind then attempting to feign control.
have you ever done somebody up the arse?