Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash
bullets over broadway was the last movie of his i enjoyed and it was funny, but it was no zelig or bananas. i stopped watching after deconstructing harry.
...i enjoyed wild man blues, but it wasn't a "woody allen movie" it was a documentary about him made by someone else.
I loved Deconstructing Harry. I love his sister who thinks he is a self-loathing jew.
Doris: You have no values. With you its all nihilism, cynicism, sarcasm, and orgasm.
Harry Block: Hey, in France I could run for office with that slogan, and win!
Burt: Do you care even about the holocaust, or do you think it never happened?
Harry Block: Not only do I know that we lost 6 million, but the scary thing is that records are made to be broken
Harry Block: What? You have air-conditioning in Hell?
The Devil: Sure! Fucks up the ozone layer!
Harry Block: Tradition is the illusion of permanence.
The Devil: You ever fuck a blind girl?
Harry Block: No. That I never did.
The Devil: Oh, they're so grateful.