Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Woody Allen is famous for the lack of sex in his movies, or at least nudity.
ok, i know you clarified by saying "at least nudity," but still... i don't think were talking about the same Woody Allen. the Woody Allen i know and love is famous for making movies about sex, even when they aren't.
Esposito: You have a chance to die for freedom.
Fielding Mellish: Yes, well, freedom is wonderful. On the other hand, if you're dead, it's a tremendous drawback to your sex life.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask:
nuff said
Miles Monroe: Perform sex? Uh, uh, I don't think I'm up to a performance, but I'll rehearse with you, if you like.
Luna Schlosser: Okay. I just thought you might want to; they have a machine here.
Miles Monroe: Machine? I'm not getting into that thing. I, I'm strictly a hand operator; you know, I, I... I don't like anything with moving parts that are not my own.
Love and Death:
Sonja: Oh don't, Boris, please. Sex without love is an empty experience.
Boris: Yes, but as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.
Annie Hall:
Annie Hall: Well, have you ever made love high?
Alvy Singer: Me? No. I - I, you know, If I have grass or alcohol or anything, I get unbearably wonderful. I get too, too wonderful for words. I don't know why you have to get high every time we make love.
...i can understand yr confusion though, i don't think the Woody Allen i'm talking about has made any movies recently.