01.24.2008, 04:30 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: atari
Posts: 2,228
Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Al-Qa'ida is now 'protesting' against what it perceives as the intervention of western (American) countries into the islamic world. However, it is interesting to notice that, despite their disgust of western influence, they have employed basic western products, i.e. house- hold appliances and other tools, in order to fight and combat the 'intruders' and other enemies of their choice.
Our western society has not only provided part of the social and cultural context for Al-Qa'ida to operate in, it has, moreover, provided it with the tools to do so more effectively.
The seemingly 'innocent' tools that are on display, obtain in perspective of the exhibition their violent content, that has been suggested in the afore- mentioned drawings. This ambiguity inherent to the tools and devices is representative for the double position that Al-Qa'ida occupies in relation to the western world, both as (former) ally and (current) enemy.
...interesting. i always thought nothing said "We hate the West!" like driving around in a brand name pickup truck while waving chinese-made kalinshnikov rip offs...
