This started out as a cool thread.
Anyways. What defines a musician? His ability to play music on a musical instrument. Chords, sight-reading, whatever, if he can play music on a musical instrument, why the fuck can't he be a musician?
I also believe there is some hidden internal skill that you feel you have reached when you start calling yourself a musician. Not skill like, "I can fret the F# phrygian mode hammering three out of every four notes." But like, "That was good music. I can do that consistently." skill.
No sane person would dare calling himself a musician if he could hit guitar strings with his hands without actually playing anything. So once he's able to reach the point where he switches from a D3rd to a G7th easily and pleasantly, or gets awesome feed back and drone pulses, he may have the balls to call himself a musician. And damn, if people will dig it, why the fuck is he not a musician?
Whatever. Don't listen to me.