Originally Posted by atari 2600
You're a freak, dude. Haha Savage Clone now knows how dumb you are too, beyond any doubt.
Maybe I should apologize though, after all, you may be so daft due to genetics and your environment. Maybe it's not that you're entirely lazy and willfully ignorant.
I'm sorry to upset you. I apologize.
guess what, i don't care what savage clone or anyone else for thaat matter thinks of me. And i couldn't give a shit about your hollow apology. I would just prefer it if you were nice to people rather than giving them shit for asking a question. I hijacked this thread cos i knew exactly why you posted it, so you could try and get others on your side, as insidious as you are you are easy to see through. Especially when you change posts to make it look like you are trying to be nice after someone calls you out on being an asshole. Lets leave it at that. Cheers