i am just using reading as a point to highlight your contradiction to yourself, avant is village idiot cos he can't play chords as far as you are concerned, but as soon as someone points out that you can;t be that good cos you don't read is exactly the same thing. you know what i think tab is for morons but only morons like you, anyone else on this board who reads tab cos they can't read music is prefectly fine with me, but 99.9% of those people don't pick on someone who knows slightly less than them. especially when they stated that they didn't really play guitar and just liked knoodling on it and you denegrate them because of that. well if you think that is appropriate for you to do that because they don't know some chords and you tell them that it isn't that hard and it takes a little bit of stick to it ness, why the fuck should other people not do that to you to make a point. if you think you are more intelligent than someone else and they ask a question, why not help them and be a much nicer human being, rather than denegrate them and make them feel not so good about them selves. as i said before occasionally you post some fantastic stuff but most of the time you are just an asshole to people. it is not easy to be nice all the time, and it isn't easy just living on a day to day basis sometimes, but for fuck sake it can be made a whole lot easier. if you behaved in a nicer manor on this board most of the time we would never have threads like this, unfortunately you choose differently. i wish you would just stop being a prick to people and behave like a genuinely nice human being, if indeed that is in your nature. i couldn't care less who plays music and who doesn't but you tried to make avant feel like less because he can't play chords. as i said before music is right for everyone on the planet not jut people who can play alittle or alot. music also has healing powers that nothing else, no other art form has.