Originally Posted by Glice
I can. Very well. Should I say that anyone who can't read music shouldn't play? It's really not that difficult. I taught myself. Really, really simple. You'd be surprised how many chords there are that you wouldn't notice if it wasn't written down. The arpeggio is God's way of making the guitar slightly less shit. If you can play already you should have rhythmic syncopation down.
The point isn't that it's easy to read (it is). The point is that people express themselves how they feel with the 'box of hate' as I like to call it.
Aaaaaaand ultimately it doesn't matter. I'd wager I'm in the minority of readers (here at least), and the fact that I can makes little difference to anyone's life other than my own.
i'm sorry but i'm far too lazy to learn to read music seeing as it makes LITTLE DIFFERENCE to me because i can already play