Originally Posted by atari 2600
Yes, that is indeed why I posted the topic.
And yes, please do click the link.
Clicked the link. Sounds to me like Mr AvantGarde (perhaps the name is a clue?) is interested in the guitar as a source for textures rather than as a tonal/ chordal box. Much like Mr Keith Rowe (the subject of a recent thread) or My Cat is an Alien (subject of thread previous) or any of the innumerable scenes that grew up in the wake of what one might call the 'modernist' movement in 20th-century art music. Or maybe he's a poseur with leopard print on his guitar.
In fairness, and I mean this quite sincerely, the guitar is an abysmal instrument; badly put together, fretted and tuned in a disgusting fashion. Personally speaking, I'd much rather people did interesting things with the guitar as a sound-source than pretend that it can sit anywhere near the capabilities of a proper (orchestral) instrument.