Originally Posted by Glice
1. Finnegans Wake, Joyce. I still can't read in the same way I did before.
2. The Bible. There's no way you can take any of it in first sitting.
3. Hegel's phenomenology of spirit. The only chance I'd ever get to finish it.
4. 100 days of Sodom. It's hilariously bad.
5. The complete Sarah Kane. Sick.
6. Anything by Joyce.
7. Whichever one started the beats, unless it was Miller or Burroughs.
8. Derrida's gift of death.
9. Pound's cantos.
God, I'm an unsufferable prick, aren't I?
What? You've never finished Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit? What are you, a moron?
Kidding, of course. Assuming that you aren't lying, this is one impressive list.