1. One book that changed your life The Counte of Monte Cristo
2. One book you have read more than once Clive Barker's Everville
3. One book you would want on a desert island the Holy Bible
4. One book that made you laugh Patrick Suskind Purfum
5. One book that made you cry the Agpeya
6. One book you wish had been written Ethiopia: A History by Harold Marcus
7. One book you wish had never had been The God Delusion by Dawkins (because it has ZERO science yet it is written by a scientist, wtf?)
8. One book you are currently reading Clive Barker' Mister B
9. One book you have been meaning to read Blessed Toni Morrison
Write as much or a little as you like (but preferably the former). I'll post my answers later.
Today Rap music is the Lakers