1. I think Hermann Hess has some kind of revelatory effect on many a young person, my 19-20ish year old self included. Steppenwolf was the one that really did it for me, though I've recently tried rereading it 4 years or so later to no avail. I'm not sure why but it doesn't affect me nearly in the same way anymore.
2. I have a habit of reading books in two languages at the same time for to master my foreign language skillz, so A LOT.
3. Nudy magazine.
4. The Ark Sakura (Kobo Abe) be the last I recall.
5. sissy.
6. A really good one.
7. Yukio Mishima... hate hate hate hate.
8. Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch (Henry Miller)
9. Against the Day... So long, so daunting, so busy.