Thread: Aaaaahfuckyou!
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Old 12.20.2007, 11:55 AM   #20
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by atari 2600
I've found that one has to preserve the longevity of receivers by purchasing a mini box fan and placing it on top.

I've had a few go on me over the years. Typically, a receiver will shut itself down when it gets too hot. But if you keep pushing the volume when it's doing this, sometimes the power converter will blow.

At any rate, because of this problem with a couple of mid-grade models, a Philips and an Akai, I got a Pioneer. Well, it also blew, but they replaced my whole unit within a couple of weeks. It seems they didn't care about just replacing the part. It was at this point I started using the fan which allows me to blast the thing ridiculously loud. Thing is, my fan recently gave out and I need to get a new one.

Are you joking? Why do you suck so much?