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Old 11.21.2007, 11:10 AM   #1
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Mr. Biafra,

What happened, man? You used to have a sense of humor and even got a few things right. Your anger used to be rightous and entertaining. Now it's muddled and serious.

I heard you talk shortly after Gore lost. You were unsympathetic, called the democrats crybabies and said that there really wasn't a difference between Bush and Gore, anyway. A few years later, as the Kerry campaign was going full steam, you said pretty much the same things, doing the same rap, even after all the shit Bush did in office. Do you really think Bush will make a movie like AN INCONVINIENT TRUTH when he gets out of office? Do you really think Gore would have tried to introduce an anti-gay ammendment to the Constitution? Do you really think Gore would have lied about Iraq, over and over? If so, do you really think his lies would've been just as transparent as Bush's were? Can you not see how the president has the power to shift public debate, and that Bush has shifted it to places that Gore (or any sane person) would never tread? Are you totally blind to the fact that Gore looks ahead and Bush looks back? Are you ever going to apologize, or at least admit, that you were completely wrong?

You talk a good deal about "Frankenfoods." Clearly, this is a subconscious attempt to boost your royalties for a certain DK album that has a similiar sounding title, because your argument is half-baked and ignorant. Genetically modified foods have been with us for awhile, dude. The carrot is the color it is today (and not the tuber-brown it originally was) because some guy figured out how to make in orange in celebration of William of Orange. See how we all have flippers now? GMF in recent years has saved THOUSANDS of lives and has improved the standard of living in many parts of the world. The casava, an essential food in places like southern India, naturally contains traces of strychnine. The poison can be removed only through a somewhat complicated preperation process (I guess nature's little joke to make up for the fact that the cassava is a cinch to grow). Guess what? The new genetically modified cassavas don't have strychnine, and thus, less people are dying or becoming dangerously ill in certain parts of the world. And have you ever heard of Golden Rice? Look it up, dude. Impressive stuff, no? Of course nation's shouldn't be forced to ONLY buy GMFs; of course the "suicide seed" is a hardship on farmers. Of course there are problems with SOME GMFs. So you see, the issue is complex.

GMFs can't be called "good" or "bad" across the board. But you like polorization, don't you? You don't like issues that have multiple facets, and issues that require a little research to understand. You really like the "us vs. them" attitude. Dude, you are a divider, not a uniter.

Take a clue from Rollins and: a) find the humor or irony in what you care about, b) take some time to be honest about yourself, c) understand the other side's position as clearly as you can before offering a counter arguement.

Once yours, but no longer,
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