There is a speech tournament coming up in December, and in this tournament we are to write a speech that focuses on an aspect of the constitution that emphasizes citizens' responsibilities and obligations to the government.
I've come up with a lot of ideas initially, but not much else, and I'm afraid I may not be seeing other angles, and other sides that I should be seeing.
So far I'm leaning towards writing about how our guaranteed rights from the Bill of Rights, make us have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our government from corruption by exercising our rights. It is our responsibility to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" as it says in the Preamble. Wakka Wakka Wakka. (on a side note, the whole thing is sort of funny because we all expect our rights to a speedy trial by jury but everyone tries to get out of jury duty).
I don't want anyone doing my work for me, but I do want to sort of open the discussion so I can see things from other angles, and maybe use that to strengthen my own points, etc, whatever.
So...what obligations do we, as citizens, have to our government?