Originally Posted by fugazifan
i just saw pink flamingos
the most fucked up movie i ever saw (and ive seen a few, not man, but a few pretty strange movies)
it was awesome!
not for the weak stomached...

ha ha ha congratulations. i used to think it was waters's "funniest movie ever" but when you are ready check out DESPERATE LIVING.
divine is actually not in it, but the script is insane and the movie rules.
Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Man I wanna see that film so bad. I went into HMV the other day asking about it and they said they haven't released it onto dvd yet  Odd.
all of this has been available on DVD for YEARS.
it looks like it isn't available in the PAL/UK version
but #2 on that list is "very crudely yours" box set which includes pink flamingos
you could also order from ameriKKKa, and you'll benefit from the exchange rate
if you don't have a multiregion player & an NTSC monitor, you should be able to play it in your computer.