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Old 10.21.2007, 09:51 PM   #410
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
"Friggens" lives. This thread keeps on chooglin'.

Um, whatever, I understand that it's ever so fashionable for twits to rag on America nowadays; and I do admit that it's extremely troubling that we have been under corporate control for at least a generation. And we are guilty of Imperialist tendencies like the other superpowers.

But the U.S. Constitution is the finest political document in the history of civilization (as I pointed out earlier in this topic), and you might also want to take note that without U.S. Navy and Air Force supremacy, the world would quickly descend into utter chaos. Next time you might want to just shut the fuck up unless you know what the hell it is you are going on about.

thank you.

i have no problem with corporate control -- it's infinitely better than government control -- but i do agree that there's a major problem with corporations buying the government out. though again, they wouldn't have half the need to if the gov't. would stop regulating the profitable ones out of business and throwing money at the ones who have nothing to offer.

and it's not nationalism or jingoism to say that the USA is the last best hope for humanity -- it's simply the truth. go live in china, where religious groups who don't conform to state doctrine have to go underground, and you can't even look up the word "democracy," or to burma, where marching in the streets for basic political freedoms can get you shot and arrested and brutally murdered . . . or maybe sub-saharan africa is your preference, since ethnic cleansing and warlords taking power are the norm, or perhaps north korea, where not smiling broadly enough at political functions can get you imprisoned and tortured, or venezuela, where the business ventures into which you've put your entire life and livelihood can be seized by the dictator on a whim, or russia, where dissenters somehow mysteriously disappear or suffer violent deaths by poisoning or assassination, or the majority of the middle east, where being born with a vagina automatically makes you a second-class citizen, and being gay gets you stoned to death . . . or maybe turkmenistan, which is just coming out of an absolute dictatorship where you could say absolutely nothing negative about your country, and the only book learning is a spiritual guide written by the dictator . . . do you get my gist?

it pisses me off to no end to see people bashing on the US merely because it is fashionable. as atari said, look at the founding principles of this country. look at the incredible courage it had to take to stand up to the same kind of dictatorial regime under which about half the world is laboring, declaring that all people have certain basic rights which no government may legitimately take away from them, and be willing to fight and die for those principles rather than continue to labor under the unspeakable oppression. this nation has one hell of a lot of flaws, but it is still the freest nation in all of recorded history.

so yeah, we are the last best hope for humanity. it is easier to be critical than to be correct . . . next time think of the implications of what you're saying. i'm not saying all this to be a dick -- i totally respect your right to have your opinion, and if you could genuinely back it up with fact i'd be willing to accept it even though i'd still vehemently disagree with it -- but that was nothing short of an attack, and there's no way you're ever going to get people to come around to your position by attacking them or lashing out epithets at them.
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