Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha ha ha. until very recently, a number of states had laws against sodomy-- a "crime" which in some places included oral sex.
im sure some sorry cockbags wanted them enforced while they were in the books, but what a joke it must have been.
And the good thing is people got those laws changed
If people dont like this law get that repealled too
During the last century, the majority of migration was legal and controlled
The problem today is uncontrolled illegal immigration
Its fine if you don't mind kiddy fiddler, rapists, thieves and god knows what else slipping into your country and you dont know they are there
I watched an interesting programme on what you get as a reesult of SOME illegal immigration, MS-13
Now thats a very interesting example of what illegal immigrants can create in Los Angeles, and now in 33 states in the USA and 6 other countries
It was interesting to watch how the US government deported members on completion of sentence only to have them not only reenter illegally but to take over many of the gangs smuggling both people and drugs
Regarding wikipedia, probably isnt the best source material to quote on anything