It's the federal government's responsibility. If the hicks want to do something about their own county by raising money themselves, then that's their right with a majority vote, but hell, why essentially take away 14 million from their local school systems that are already 32 million in debt?
Wouldn't it be more effective and reasonable for these hicks just to educate themselves on the origins of the issue and find a solution by endorsing the correct candidates for congress and the presidency? And doesn't it make more sense to do a county-wide petition and send that to the appropriate departments of the federal government?
Originally Posted by ThePits
The day we start abitrarily ignoring one law because we dont like it is the day everyone is on a slippery slope to anarchy
Dude, the RICO Act is being ignored by the Feds. Through intentional lack of enforcement, they allow companies to hire illegal aliens to make money for kickbacks, campaign contributions, and in an implicit exchange for the Mexicans that are here legally to vote Republican. And as the cherry on top, the intentional lack of federal immigration enforcement also manages to get people flared-up and divided politically over a hot-button wedge issue so that they will be putty in the hands of their respective puppetmaster.
No county, not even motherfucking Los Angeles County, needs an extra 14 million to police immigration. I'm sorry, but they have enough taxpayer money and resources toget the job done on their existing budgets; they just aren't doing their job. And no one needs to agree to pay one extra cent in federal taxes either to get the job done under some convoluted federal plan either. All we need are honest and capable leaders in government. Build a wall you say? More National Guard troops at the borders? That's some stupid motherfucking shit, brother. How fucking hard is it to drive around until a bunch of Mexicans working are spotted and do on-site inspections that force a company representative to verify that they are all legal? How hard is it to make sure manufacturing plants are up to federal immigration standards? You know, it's not like there are all that many manufacturing plants in the whole country anymore now that our asses have been sold out to China.
All that needs to happen is the forcing of compliance with immigration law. This can be done simply. All we need is an additional law that levies a heavy, financially crippling fine to any company that cannot produce documentation in a reasonable amount of time and basically assumes they are guilty if they cannot readily produce the proper paperwork that checks out as verifiable. This will force companies to respect the laws of the United States and be ready to be investigated and it will provide law enforcement a tool to get the job done in a speedy manner. Should companies be profiled based on the national origin of many of their employees? You're damn straight, they should. It will save taxpayer money to go after the obvious lawbreakers and not waste time policing a bunch of companies that have no interest or history in hiring cheap, illegal labor. But of course, you won't hear any politician proferring such a common sense approach; after all, the problem would be on its way to being solved and that's just not how they do things. The pig-fuckers are only in it to make motherfucking money, you see, because they thrive on strife and societal problems only bring them prosperity.
The whole referendum ballot thing today in Prince William County is basically nothing more than a boondoggle scam that appeals to people's hatred to get them to fork over their cash. And in the end, the entire effort will accomplish absolutely nothing.
It's fucking sick.