Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
its not my twisted logic, the problems in Africa, particularly these ethnic conflicts, are often (as in Rwanda) DIRECTLY RELATED TO EUROPEAN COLONIALISM, specifically the arbitrary division of African borders and the imaginary nations they created with out regard of the people who lived there. In Rwanda it was exclusively the BRITISH who created racism between so-called Hutu and Tutsi, a division which NEVER existed prior to the 1930s, which was formalized in government in the 1950s (again by the Brits);
and zimbabwe, shit I dont think i even need to begin on the problems that Europe created for Zimbabwe, but I am affraid I might offend your sensibilites as good brit, you savage bastard. get over yourself, Britain sucks, america sucks and together they have destroyed the world as it should have been, and replaced it with a hell created in their image. sorry, i just must be the last honest white person out there who looks at things as they are, and not as we would like them to be.
Hmm so its all the "whites" fault?
The "whites" created tribes in Africa?
I really have to hear how the British created the Hutu and Tutsi tribes and got them to kill each other
As for Zimbabwe, considering Mugabe and the regime that has been there since Britain forced the end of the old regime and oversaw with international monitors an election that gave "blacks", the ovewhelming majority in the old Rhodesia, the vote, how exactly have "whites" been responsible for the genocide perpetrated by Mugabe?
Care to explain to me how "whites" are responsible for the slavery that still exists in Africa?
"Blacks" enslaving and selling people to other "blacks" in countries run by their own people?
You call yourself the last honest white person?
You are another "white" boy trying to prove your "black" credentials in order to fit in
Well heres the bad news, you are "white", and no matter how often you play the card, you are always going to be "white"
Live with it