Originally Posted by ThePits
Everything you come out with has a tendency to come back to what you perceive as discrimination
Well the bad news is, it doesnt
I'd also have more respect for your views if you actually included all discrimination such as that in Rwanda where 900,000 people were murdered because one tribe discriminated against the other
Or maybe Zimbabwe, where Hottentots and Shangaans have been systematically wiped out in a deliberate government policy of genocide
Silly me, of course you wont jump up and down about these examples
They were committed by "blacks"
Although I daresay in your twisted logic somehow the "whites" will be to blame
its not my twisted logic, the problems in Africa, particularly these ethnic conflicts, are often (as in Rwanda) DIRECTLY RELATED TO EUROPEAN COLONIALISM, specifically the arbitrary division of African borders and the imaginary nations they created with out regard of the people who lived there. In Rwanda it was exclusively the BRITISH who created racism between so-called Hutu and Tutsi, a division which NEVER existed prior to the 1930s, which was formalized in government in the 1950s (again by the Brits);
and zimbabwe, shit I dont think i even need to begin on the problems that Europe created for Zimbabwe, but I am affraid I might offend your sensibilites as good brit, you savage bastard. get over yourself, Britain sucks, america sucks and together they have destroyed the world as it should have been, and replaced it with a hell created in their image. sorry, i just must be the last honest white person out there who looks at things as they are, and not as we would like them to be.