Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
??? i dont understand how you just proved me wrong here, by supporting exactly what I said with evidence such as uprisings and discrimination....
Britain was attempting to preserve its Empire, it did not really need workers from its colonies, I did not make this up. It is from EP Thompson, Lydia Lindsey, Peter Thorsheim, Gareth Jones, Miles Ogborn...... you sir, are naive and even oblivious if you believe that Britain was only trying to 'appeal for immigrants' in the British Nationality Act of 1948.... Imperialism is imperialism, particularly in recovery from war. if they wanted immigrants so bad why did they treat them like shit?
that wasn't my point at all. you also overemphasised manufacturing and forgot about distribution (ie, how such produced firearms end up in peoples hands to begin with)
Uprisings and discrimination?
What you class as an uprising was nothing more than what would pass for a bloody big punch up in the USA
As for the discrimination, inexcusable but minor compared to what was going on in the USA
As for preserving our "empire" when the appeals went out for people to come here it was already consigned to history
We didnt need immigrants?
Are you completely bloody stupid???
After two world wars we lost entire generations of men, not counting the women and children killed in the bombing raids on the UK
We had bombed out buildings in London and craters up to and including the 1960's
Because we didnt have the people to rebuild the country
Are you aware that we still had some food rationing here until 1953?
As for me being naive, I would rather be naive than have the blinkered, bigotted, jaded view of everything that doesnt fit into your card playing mentality
Your view is as racist as the discrimination you purport to "expose"
The sooner you leave a country you so obviously despise for Haile Sellassis paradise of Ethiopia, the better