Originally Posted by ThePits
Note the use of the word "imaginary", I didn't see that in the definitions of race for some reason..........
By your yardstick so is nationality that you insist exists earlier
Also under the definitions for leprechauns and santa claus there is the word "imaginary"
Absent from the definition of "race"
DNA also confirms different races
Several eminent scientists have been using DNA to plot the migration of races over the centuries across asia and europe
Or are they imagining things too?
I also fail to see what is wrong with the term "race"
Shouldn't we all be proud of our heritage, origins, and culture?
Isn't it the fact that because there are different races that life is such a rich tapestry of culture and diversity?
damn thread, keeps pulling me back.
the dictionary features word coinage, not the accuracy or reality of those words. when you want to study a subject you don't read dictionary entries on it, do you?
a few decades ago dictionaries used to coin masturbation and homosexuality as "diseases" or "vices" or whatever the fuck.
race is a social construct. it's made of 99.9% politics and 0.1% biology, give and take. genetically, there are more individual differents among individuals than among "races". genetically, there is more diversity among africans than between the rest of humanity, yet the dictionary lumps them as a "race".
there are some gross genetic differences between isolated populations however, but those differences do not correlate very well with political concepts of "race".